
Arhive zilnice 29/11/2015

Curry de miel


For the curry powder
– 2 tbsp vegetable oil
– 2 tbsp coriander seeds
– 2 tbsp fenugreek seeds
– 1 tbsp mustard seeds
– 1 tsp cumin seeds
– ½ tsp fennel seeds
– 1 tsp black peppercorns
– 1 cinnamon stick, broken into pieces
– 5 cloves
– 1 tbsp ground turmeric

For the lamb madras
– 1½-2kg/3lb 5oz – 4lb 8oz lamb shoulder
– olive oil, for drizzling
– 1 green bird’s-eye chilli
– 2 garlic cloves
– 1.5cm/¾in piece fresh root ginger, peeled
– 1 onion, thinly sliced
– 12 curry leaves
– 3 cardamom pods
– 2 bay leaves
– 400g tin chopped tomatoes
– 200ml/7fl oz beef stock
– 2 tsp tamarind juice
– 2 tbsp chopped fresh coriander
– salt and freshly ground black pepper

For the chapatis
– 325g/11½oz chapati flour, plus extra for dusting (available in some superm...

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Cozonac linistit


1 kg faina tip 000 sau speciala pentru cozonaci
42 g drojdie proaspata Dr.Oetker
5 oua + unul pentru uns cozonacii
400 g zahar
100 g unt 80% grasime
5 linguri ulei
400 ml lapte caldut
coaja rasa de la o lamaie si o portocala
4 linguri cacao
400 g nuca maruntita
2 linguri de stafide
8-10 bucati de rahat colorat
o esenta de rom fiola
un praf de sare
un pliculet zahar vanilinat pentru presarat deasupra cozonacilor

Portii: 2

Timp de preparare: peste 120 minute


Toate ingredientele sunt puse la temperatura camerei cu cateva ore inainte de a ne apuca de pregatirea cozonacilor.

Cele 5 oua se separa. Albusurile se bat cu jumatate din cantitatea de zahar si se amesteca impreuna cu nuca si cacaoa pentru umplutura.

Faina se cerne intr-un vas...

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Oua la cuptor cu piure


4 to 5 young Yukon Gold potatoes (about 1 pound)
3/4 cup cream, divided
1 tsp. sea salt, plus more to taste
Freshly ground pepper, to taste
4 Tbsp. butter, plus more for greasing the ramekins
4 eggs
Chopped chives or crumbled bacon, for garnish (optional)


• Peel the potatoes and cut them into half-inch slices. Put them in a pot, cover them with an inch of cold water and add a teaspoon of sea salt. Bring the water to a boil, reduce it to a mere burble and cook for 20 minutes, until the flesh offers no resistance when you pierce it with a fork.

• Drain the potatoes and put them through a ricer. Or mash them really well with a potato masher. In a pinch, use a fork. Season with a light shower of freshly ground pepper...

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