
Arhive lunare March 2016

Prajitura rapida


Pentru primul strat:
– 150 g. făină
– 100 g. zahăr brun
– 70 g. cacao
– 125 g. unt

Pentru caramel:
– 400 g de lapte lapte condensat
– 2 linguri de miere
– 60 g. unt

Pentru cremă albă:
– 4 linguri de unt
– o jumătate de cană de zahăr
– jumătate de cană de lapte condensat
– o cană şi jumătate de cremă de brânză
– o sticluţă esenţă de vanilie

Pentru glazură:
– 150 g. ciocolată
– 75 g. unt


Pentru primul strat, amestecă toate ingredientele, pune compoziţia într-o tavă şi bag-o la cuptor timp de 15 minute. Apoi, amestecă toate ingredientele într-un vas şi pune-le la foc mic până se topesc, amestecând continuu. Toarnă caramelul peste blatul de cacao şi bagă compoziţia la frigider timp de câteva minute...

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1 cup dried chickpeas
2 teaspoons baking soda, divided
4 garlic cloves, unpeeled
1/3 cup (or more) fresh lemon juice
1 teaspoon kosher salt, plus more
2/3 cup excellent quality tahini
1/4 teaspoon (or more) ground cumin
Olive oil, for serving
Chopped parsley and paprika, for serving (optional)

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Camera pentru Maturare carne

We used a wine cooler with a digital thermostat, this allows greater control of temperature.
Also wine coolers typically feature fans which are essential to create the airflow needed to cure the meat at a constant rate.
Remember we are trying to create the ideal climate.
A humidifier is placed inside the wine cooler to maintain required humidity.
• Wine Cooler (with digital temperature control and fan)
• Humidifier
• Hygrostat (terrarium climate control)

DIY Meat Curing Chamber
The humidifier is connected to a hygrostat which is used to switch the
humidifier on or off at the appropriate time when humidity is too low. You will
now be able to maintain a constant temperature inside your wine cooler, as
well as constant humidity.
This project will involve creating the right conditions ...

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